“Treasures, that is the only way to describe for wine lovers around the world the indigenous grape varieties of Greece, as they are one of the main factors contributing to the diversity and uniqueness of Greek wines.

Greece’s indigenous grape varieties number in the hundreds, making the country one of the most varietally diverse wine producers and its vineyards some of the richest in the world. In other words, Greece does not rely on 4-5 grape varieties for its wine production. Instead, being part of the old wine world (Europe) while adopting good practices from the new world (America, Africa, Oceania), Greece’s indigenous grape varieties form an irresistible arsenal for producing wines of every type and style, for every taste and occasion, and of course, for wine lovers of every level.”

For the second generation of the estate, Yiannis and Antonia, a fundamental concern is the study and promotion of the indigenous grape varieties of the family vineyard and the broader vineyard of the area.

The varietal potential of the semi-mountainous and mountainous Olympia region is vast, with a high degree of research and likely wine interest, with the most significant influences coming from the neighboring Ionian Islands and the wider Peloponnese.

As part of this effort, the identification and promotion of the Vertzami variety emerged in 2014, leading to the production of the red dry wine labeled Diagon. Since 2019, the Kolliniatiko variety has been highlighted with the production of the red dry wine labeled Acheron.

#vertzami | VERTZAMI

In the area of Skillountia in the municipality of Andritsaina-Krestena, and more broadly in the neighboring villages, the variety has certainly been established for decades in old own-rooted, multi-varietal vineyards. Naturally, it is a rare variety for the region, scattered in very small numbers among many other indigenous varieties of the Peloponnese and the Ionian Islands.

As the new generation of the business, we are interested in showcasing indigenous varieties. One result of this effort is the red wine Diagon made from the Vertzami variety. In this area, grape growers referred to this variety as Mavrodaphne. We discovered that it was a different variety and, in collaboration with Bakasieta Nurseries, identified in a laboratory that it was indeed the Vertzami variety. The first vinification took place in 2014. The grapes came from the family’s multi-varietal vineyard in the Kovitza location.

This is a very limited production wine from the Vertzami variety, with a deep red color tending towards black, aromas of red forest fruits, earth, leather, well-structured tannins harmonized with acidity and alcohol, and a long-lasting aftertaste that imprints the tasting experience in the memory of the traveler.

#kolliniatiko | KOLLINIATIKO

In recent years, experimental small-scale vinifications have been conducted with another indigenous red variety known as Kolliniatiko or Kolliniatis, as referred to by local grape growers. This variety is found in most of the old own-rooted, multi-varietal vineyards in the area, particularly in the semi-mountainous zone of the Municipality of Andritsaina (communities of Gryllos, Graika, Skillountia, Diasella). The impetus for researching this variety and its vinification potential was not only its potential as an interesting indigenous variety of the family vineyard but also its ancient and historically significant connection to the region. There was a reputation that in the past, when it was cultivated more extensively and systematically, it produced high-quality wines with distinctive characteristics, especially in single-varietal vineyards or when the variety was predominant in the blend.

Regarding some ampelographic characteristics of the variety, the grape cluster is medium-sized, cylindrical to cylindrical-conic, and dense. The berry is medium-sized, spherical, reddish in color, with soft, juicy flesh and a sweet, pleasant taste. Generally, the vines of this variety are vigorous, of medium productivity, and require short fruit pruning. In the region, it is exclusively found in a bush training system, which was also the prevalent training method in the area in previous decades. Technological maturity is achieved in the second decade of September.